itamar י' כסלו ס''ו 21:36

Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu's View of the king

i am trying to convince some young boys here in Sydney that the Rebbe can at least still be Mashiach What is Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu's view if any - does anyone know? Can you prove? sorry for writing in english
 itamar י' כסלו ס''ו 21:36

The long & short way

Yes, that is definitely the ideal way, just like if time is on your side you should prepare for shabbat and then on Friday afternoon you could automatically accept shabbat in the field. TODAY moshiach (shabbat) is on the verge of being revealed there is not enough time to do any thing properly, like there was 10, 20 years ago. In Sydney it is anyway hard to get anyone to learn Chassidus - not enough resources! I am anyway interested to know what his opinion is, it may be to hard to ascertain because of politics. If the famous rabbi of today can "open their eyes" and back their sites verbally, that will surely help their followers to do the same, and we will be that much closer to bring in shabbat into the world in a tangible way (=mamash).
 CH י' כסלו ס''ו 01:40

Why ?

Why do you need to convince them? Better spend your time convincing them to learn the Rebbe 's sichos and do the Rebbe's mivtzayim. Hamaaseh hu haikar! And if they are doing what the rebbe wants and internalizing the Rebbe's sichos they will come to see it themselves. Debating the point is a waste of time and not in accordance with the Rebbe's wishes and hora'os.